Month: August 2020

Rule Changes for 2021

Due to how complex keepers and trades have become I decided to simplify the rules to make my life easier managing the keepers and trades and your life easier understanding who can be kept and for how long. I also modified how the draft lottery will work.

You can find the rules that changed in the following sections: 3.0 League Setup and Competition and 4.0 Rosters and Lineups

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2020 Season info and Covid rule changes

What’s up everyone. I hope everyone is healthy and is staying safe. Sorry for the very late updates. With the uncertainty surrounding sports I was hoping to gather as much information as possible. As far as I know, the NFL will be on schedule to start the season on September 10th with no pre-season games scheduled. *=CHANGES FROM ORIGINAL EMAIL

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2020 Keeper Player Values

Welcome to a new year in the Game of Throws league. Due to Covid 19, I have implemented a few rule changes and payout modifications that I discussed in detail a couple of weeks ago via email. These rule changes will hopefully help alleviate any complications that may arise this year and will only be implemented for this year. I will post the rule changes with some revisions in a day or two.

Now for the Keeper Player Values. The following is each team’s final roster from the 2019 season along with their draft value if you decide to keep that player for 2020. Their draft values are based on where they where drafted last year, regardless of who drafted them. If a player was undrafted then they are worth a 16th round pick. A player with a value of 0 can not be kept. The chart below is sortable on the website or you can use the search feature to find your team name and display only your team. You can also download or print the chart. PLEASE let me know if you notice any errors.

Continue reading “2020 Keeper Player Values”