Free Agent/Waiver System (FAAB)

Explanation of the Free Agent/Waiver system.

To make the Free Agent/Waiver wire system a little more interesting and fair we are going to be using what is called the FAAB system.  It stands for Free Agent Acquisition Budget.  It’s a slightly different way to run the waiver wire system to make it a little less stale.

Game-time waivers

  • Unowned players who are free agents will be placed on waivers as soon as their game begins each week.
  • Players on a bye week will be placed on waivers at 8:30pm on Monday, which corresponds with the start time of the Monday night game.
  • The waiver period ends at 11:59 pm on Tuesday. Unowned players without a pending waiver claim will become free agents at that time.
  • Waiver claims will process 1-8 hours after the end of the weekly waiver period. Until claims process, unowned players with a pending waiver claim will continue to display waiver status, but no further claims may be placed on them.
  • Once their game has started, players in your starting lineup cannot be dropped to pick up an available free agent. They may be included in any waiver claims set to process after the weekly waiver period ends.
  • Benched players, even if their game time has begun, may be dropped for an available free agent.
  • Any dropped player is placed on waivers for 2 days and follow the FAAB rules.

FAAB Rules

  • The FAAB does not apply to free-agent pickups. All free agents can be picked up on a first-come, first-serve basis, without bids.
  • Bids are hidden to other managers until a player clears waivers. The winning bid will display in the Transaction log. 
  • Players with multiple bids placed on them will display under “FAAB Bids” on a league’s Transactions log. If only one owner bid on a player, that transaction will not display under “FAAB Bids.”
  • The FAAB system charges you the exact amount you bid if your bid is successful. It will never automatically adjust your bid to beat any other bids by $1.
  • The default FAAB budget for teams is $100. 
  • You can submit $0 bids, and if no one else bids more, you will be able to claim that player.
  • There isn’t an option to force managers to make a minimum bid amount.
  • If multiple managers place an equal bid on a player then the winner will be based on Reverse order of standings: Waiver claims are processed in reverse order of standings and successful claims do not affect waiver priority list.

Free Agents

  • All unowned players who have cleared waivers are free agents and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. All claimed players would immediately be added to your bench for the following day’s games. It is then up to you to move them to starting positions.
  • You can drop players without replacing them, but you can only pick up players without dropping someone from your roster if you have less than the maximum number of players on your roster. You will never be allowed to exceed your roster limit.
  • Before the start of the season, all undrafted players will be placed on waivers, with those left unclaimed then being treated as free agents. The length of the waiver period is 2 days
  • You can add/drop up to 5 players a week and there are no maximums for the season.
